The project is assisting IDPs in Jonglei state, currently focusing on emergency response, disaster risk management and early recovery.
Seeds of new beginnings
Assisting Returnees and Displaced People
The project has been assisting residents of Jonglei State who had spent years in refugee camps abroad in re-building their livelihoods.
In an area prone to flooding, communities received assistance in emergency preparedness, emergency response and disaster risk reduction such as building dykes.
As many local conflicts evolve around the breeding and possession of cattle, peace-building and conflict resolution workshops meant to strengthen capacities for non-violent coexistence.
Building classrooms in communities and cattle camps provided education to children whose learning had been irregular due to the conflict.
This development work had to be suspended when fighting broke out again at the end of 2013. As communities fled to save their lives, villages were destroyed. In the following spring no crops could be planted. We empower people to cope with disaster and provide humanitarian aid to those who once again find themselves displaced and in need of the most basic assistance.
The following projects are part of this overall framework.
This project has the goal to reduce malaria morbidity and mortality, especially among at-risk populations in Twic East and Duk Counties. The project runs from 2013-2015 and benefits more than 15,000 people directly and up to 150,000 indirectly.
Currently we focus on providing IDPs who lost all their belongings with Moskito nets, to protect them from the insects transmitting the disease.
The approved 2013-2015 budget for the project is USD 575,000. It is funded by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
The project implemented in Twic East and Duk Counties in Jonglei State focuses on supporting and empowering communities with improved methods of crop farming, better access to education and community-based protection and peace efforts. Started in 2007 it benefits 5,000 directly and more than 100,000 indirectly.
In the current emergency, the project has been modified for disaster response and early recovery, providing displaced persons with seeds, tools and cash grants.
LWF South Sudan has been operating Emergency Response and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) projects since 2011. Primary beneficiaries are households and communities in Jonglei State. We provide life-saving assistance by providing them with emergency shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) kits, non-food items (NFI) like blankets, mats and cooking equipment and cash grants. We fix water facilities and raise awareness for peace and reconciliation.